Historical Medals

N.S.W Academy of Art, 1878 - $2,950 #121020
A prize medal in silver awarded to 'Miss Maze for Study from Cast. Oils. (Monochrome)'
The medal is surrounded by an entwined rope border with an engraved loop. It is topped by a floral garland separated by an artist's palate and brushes which are often missing from this issue. It is known that the famed artist Conrad Martin received a similar award in gold from the same institution.
N.S.W Academy of Art, 1879 - $2,950 #121021
A prize medal in silver awarded to 'P.E.Williams for Study in Crayons from cast 'The Gladiator"'
The medal is surrounded by in an entwined rope border with an engraved loop. It is topped by a floral garland separated by an artist's palate and brushes which are often missing from this issue. It is known that the famed artist Conrad Martin received a similar award in gold from the same institution.