A Maritime Right of Passage signed by Ralph Darling, 11th February,1819 - $15,000
Stock# 120630

An early form of maritime passport signed by Ralph Darling Esq Major General, in his capacity as Governor of Mauritius allowing the schooner 'Little Mary' to travel unimpeded to 'Port Jackson New South Wales'.

The document reads:
To whomsoever Subjects of His Majesty GEORGE the Third, by the grace of GOD, of the United Kingdom of Geat Britain and Ireland,
KING, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and to all others whom these Presents may concern,
(Ralph Darling Esq Major General, Commanding in)
the Isle of Mauritius, and Dependencies, send Greeting.
WHEREAS (Schooner Little Mary) burthen about (Sixty) Tons,
Commanded by (William Rolton) belonging to (Matthew ??hinity) is bound to
(Port Jackson, New South Wales)
I DO HEREBY require and Command all persons within, or belonging to this Government under my jurisdiction; AND I do
desire all persons that are Friends and Allies to His Majesty GEORGE the Third, by the grace of God, of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, to suffer the said (Schooner
Little Mary) to pass with her Company, Goods and Merchandize without any Lett, Seizure, or Molestation
whatever, provided this Pass be in force, which is to continue for the space of (five months) from the date of these

GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, AT PORT LOUIS, this (Eleventh) Day of (February)
in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and (Nineteen)

(G A Barry) (Ra Darling)
Chief Secretary to Government

Registered in the Chief Secretary's Office
by order of the Chief Secretary to Government

(James ???? Esq Registrar)

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